
Revised and approved 5th October 2019

  1. TITLE
    1.1 The Club is called the Humberside and Lincolnshire Orienteering Club (HALO).
    1.2 The Club is affiliated to British Orienteering (BO) and a member of the Yorkshire and Humberside Orienteering Association (YHOA).
    2.1 The objective of the Club is to further the development of, and participation in, the sport of orienteering in Humberside and Northern Lincolnshire.
    3.1 Membership of the Club is open to anyone. There are three categories of membership - Senior and Junior as defined by BO, and Life as elected at an Annual General Meeting (AGM).
    3.2 Membership fees, which require approval at the AGM, are due on 1 January and must be paid by the last day of March of that year, otherwise membership is deemed to have lapsed.
    4.1 The affairs of the Club are run by the Committee of three officers (Chair, Secretary and Treasurer) and up to nine other members. The officers have the power to co-opt additional members.
    4.2 A quorum consists of four members of the Committee, including the Chair or Secretary or Treasurer.
    4.3 The Chair is able to stand for election for no more than three consecutive years. She/he is able to stand for a different office upon stepping down from that role. All voting members are eligible for Committee posts.
    4.4 Non voting members may attend Committee meetings by pre-arrangement with the Chair.
    5.1 The Treasurer is responsible for the financial affairs of the Club and can be called upon at any time to report on the current financial situation.
    5.2 The financial year runs from 1 September to 31 August and the audited accounts for the previous year require approval at the AGM.
    5.3 The Club’s banking arrangements are as determined by the Committee.
    6.1 The business of the AGM is to -
    (a) Confirm the minutes of the previous AGM and deal with any matters arising from those minutes.
    (b) Receive the Chair’s Annual Report for the previous year.
    (c) Receive the Treasurer's Report and the Accounts for the previous financial year.
    (d) Agree the Budget for the current year.
    (e) Agree the Membership Fees for the forthcoming calendar year.
    (f) Elect the Officers for the current year.
    (g) Elect the Other Committee Members for the current year.
    (h) Elect the Auditor for the current year.
    (i) Elect Life Members
    (j) Approve alterations to the Constitution
    (k) Discuss any items proposed by members in advance
    (l) Consider any other business approved by the Chair and not requiring a vote.
    6.2 The AGM is to be held before 31 October each year. Members are to be informed via HALO News and the website of the AGM date, venue and draft agenda at least 21 days in advance.
    6.3 Nominations of candidates for elections – 6.1(f) to (i) - must be made in writing to the Secretary at least 14 days in advance of the AGM. Any positions for which no nominations have been received may be filled on the day or subsequently.
    6.4 Items of business proposed by members – 6.1(k) - must be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least 14 days in advance of the AGM.
    6.5 The final agenda and accompanying reports must be sent to members via e-mail and put on the website at least 7 days in advance of the AGM.
    6.6 Decisions at the AGM are by a simple majority of votes. Everyone present at the AGM who is 18 and over is entitled to vote.
    6.7 The quorum for the AGM is 10 members or 5% of the voting membership, whichever is the larger.
    7.1 Special General Meetings may be called by the Committee or on a request in writing to the Secretary from not less than 10 voting members. At least 21 days notice of the meeting must be given. The quorum is as per the AGM – 6.7.
    8.1 Alterations to the Constitution must be by a simple majority at the AGM and notice of the intended alteration – 6.1(j) - must be given to the Secretary in writing at least 14 days before the AGM.
    9.1 The Club can be dissolved by a simple vote at a Special General Meeting. Any funds or assets on dissolution are not to be distributed among the members but given to another orienteering club covering the same area or to the YHOA or to BO.