Brough MapRun / Lamp-O Results

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  • #1291
    Brian Ward

      Thanks to all who came, and to the few that endured…. we still have’nt got a 100% success rate managing MapRun to Smartphone / MapRun to Garmin Watch…. but we are getting there!.

      Thanks to Brian S. for map printing and for Pete “shifty” (ex.Chairman) Harris for providing post run light entertainment in his tales of how he out-foxed the MapRun App. to score illegal points….

      ….or so I’m told!


      Nice to see ex.HALO (or was it EYOC?) member Frank Ince making an appearence, although he missed the best part of the area not visiting the South East corner 🙁 

      Brough & Elloughton is a great new area, and the new map from Bill Griffiths should provide scope for more Urban fun in future events.

      Results as follows….(minutes rounded up) 


      Dave J. – 700 points / 35 controls (maximum) / 54 minutes

      Mike B – 700 points / 35 controls (maximum) / 58 minutes

      Harriet – 560 poins / 28 controls / 57 minutes

      Pete H – 460 points / 23 controls / 46 minutes

      Amanda – 440 points / 22 controls / 50 minutes

      Brian S – 440 points / 22 controls / 52 minutes

      Frank – 420 points / 21 controls / 56 minutes

      Corinne – 420 points / 21 controls / 59 minutes

      Helena – 400 points / 20 controls / 35 minutes

      Jackie – 400 points / 20 controls / 59 minutes

      Isoldt – 380 points / 19 controls / 52 minutes

      Karen – 360 points / 18 controls / 55 minutes

      Alex G – 340 points / 17 controls / 49 minutes

      Kate G – 340 points / (17 controls) 57 minutes


      Next week we are in Cleggy on a Brian S. map – 1:5,000 A3 with a 60 minute MapRun only Score – but please come along even though we aren’t using Lamp-Posts, we trust you… unlike some! 😉


      Brian W.



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