Compass Sport Trophy March 13th 2016

Forums News bulletins Compass Sport Trophy March 13th 2016

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  • #1018
    Neil Harvatt

      On Sunday March 13th, CLARO are hosting the Yorkshire, Humberside and North East round of the Compass Sport Trophy, to be held at Timble Ings, near Blubberhouses.  This is the main team competition in the Orienteering calendar and I hope we can get as many members as possible to take part to represent HALO. 
      We need as wide as spread of ages as possible to maximise our scoring potential.  In this year’s competition we are competing against CLARO, EPOC, NATO, NN and SROC.  The available courses (with age groups) are as follows:-
      1 Brown Men Open
      2 Short Brown M20- M40
      3 Blue Women Women Open
      4 Blue Men M50
      5 Green Women W20- W45
      6 Green Men M60
      7 Veterans Short Green M70 W60
      8A Junior Men (Green) Men 18-
      8B Junior Women (Short Green) Women 18-
      9A Orange Men Men 14-
      9B Orange Women Women 14- 
      Please let me know as soon as possible (with dibber and BOF number, age class and preferred course) if you are available to run for HALO on that date.  I will coordinate all entries and HALO will pay the fees.  It is intended to run another social alongside the event in the same way as the very popular Cake competition that Helena organised last year at Sherwood Pines (created more interest than the orienteering!!).
      I need to submit all entries by March 1st. 
      Further details can be found by following this link.


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