Saturday 08:30 – Very sorry – overnight heavy snow has resulted in postponment of today’s event. To be rearranged for Saturday February 23rd (subject to permission from pasture masters).
Update Friday 5pm. The weather forecast is for snow overnight, dying out by the morning, possibly turning to rain. A generally fine day on Saturday. We are intending to proceed with the event, but clearly extreme overnight conditions could scupper our plans. A notice will be placed on this web-site on Saturday morning if it is necessary to postpone the event.
Update Thursday 11pm. Paul and I had a pleasant walk around The Westwood this afternoon. It is looking very white. The roads are clear and the event will go ahead unless there is a sudden deterioration in the weather. Watch this space.
If you have children, why not bring along a sledge and have even more fun before or after your Orienteering.
The area we will be using for parking is popular with the sledgers, so may be busy.