We got off to a great start with 13 of us pounding the grass and compasses. Compasses were hot with re-setting and needle spinning. A square grid, with 5 metre spaces between tiny control markers on the grass, gave participants a chance to check and improve their compass techniques. Folks worked in pairs to start with and went solo as confidence grew. Thumbing and thumb-compass skills were learned/practised.
A long and short course were then used to test out newly learned compass skills. It was followed immediately by a maze section (no rest between) just as we had done at Coniston during the Lakes 5-days. I copied the (Coniston) maze but made it slightly bigger. All did 13 controls after they had completed the first course.
If you look at the link you will see that there were two other Slaters besides me at the coaching, both seemingly having excelled themselves in the results. The Splits are here for the very competitive amongst you.
We now boast two juniors having been joined by Amber Harris. On this occasion dad (Pete) was sporting an injured calf muscle, but managed to hobble around the courses quite competently.
Next week will feature more compass exercises plus ‘warm-up’ tips and of course a ‘maze’ or two or three. Starting at 6pm at OASIS Academy Grimsby.