New Year’s day saw 14 runners split into three teams take on the Barmby Moor event.
Neil had prepared an excellent double sided map showing the urban and rural elements which gave all the runners choices of how long they spent in the village before returning to the finish at the house.
With 16 controls in the village and 14 in the fields managing the time was always going to be crucial. Barmby is triangle in shape and has an inner ring road so the controls had you visiting the points as well as a trip round the inner part before the long leg back to the house. With 10 controls grouped in pairs around the field the last few minutes consisted of runners criss crossing in all directions before the countdown saw them all race to the finish.
Brian Ward was first home with all controls and Neil and Paul also managed the maximum. In addition all 14 finished in time so no penalty points.
The final scores were
Brian Ward and John Butler – 530 points
Brian Slater, Paul and Pat Simmons – 560 points
Mary, Ken and Amanda – 630 points
Neil, Fran and Ellen – 650 points
Paul, Helen and Pat – 700 points
So next New Year’s Day will see a trip to Doncaster!