Note: we are trialling a new format for the first few events of 2023.
Short remains the same – a line course approximately 2.5kms long.
Medium and Long courses will combine line and score courses.
Each course will commence with a 10 control line course which will have to be punched in order (1 to 10). Note the 10 controls are different for the Medium and Long courses.
Having reached control 10, competitors then have to find as many other controls as possible within a TOTAL time of 45 minutes.
For the first event Medium competitors have 12 ‘extras’ that they can collect and the Long competitors 15. The control descriptions for the first event are below to give you an idea of what is required. These have subsequently been modified slightly but are indicative.

Note: the distance on the CD’s is the optimal distance if all are collected within the 45 minutes.
As far as scoring is concerned it will be on the lines of a score event with 10 points awarded for each control found within in the 45 minutes. If time is exceeded then there will be a 10 point penalty for each minuteĀ (or part) over the 45 minutes. Note: if there are mispunches for the line element then the score will be based on the number found before the mispunch e.g. if a competitor misses control 7 then a score of 60 will be recorded, plus those recorded on the Score. (This gives the extra strategy, in that competitors can deliberately not to do all the line course to optimise their score controls in a less er distance).
I trust the above is self explanatory…….
Any queries can be recorded in this Forum.